Web-Album »  Bild IMG_5363     [Bild 10 von 20]  :: Gehe zu  
Kommentar: Sigrid and Michael
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IMG_5257 * Raphaele, I and Sigrid * 1600 x 1200 * (514KB)

IMG_0026 * Sigrid, Nicolai and Alex are opening the gifts * 1600 x 1200 * (916KB)

IMG_5378 * X-mas tree * 1704 x 2272 * (1.34MB)

IMG_0031 * David is Alex's boyfriend * 1200 x 1600 * (1.1MB)

IMG_5398 * Guapa * 2272 x 1704 * (1.31MB)

Nächstes Bild
IMG_5363.JPG - 2272 x 1704 - (276KB)
24.12.05 20:19
IMG_5369 * Nicolai, Raphaele and Alex * 2272 x 1704 * (252KB)

IMG_5264-2 * Michael, Nicolai, Sigrid, Raphaele, Alex, David and I * 2072 x 1448 * (220KB)

IMG_0028-2 * Raphaele is Queen * 831 x 1229 * (103KB)

IMG_0025 * Alex and David * 1600 x 1200 * (116KB)

IMG_5389 * Big hugs * 1102 x 1511 * (107KB)

Album zuletzt aktualisiert am 27.12.05 02:12
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